Goldfins Swimmers of the Month - October 2023

August 17, 2024


Landon Dubiel – GOLD 16 - Landon Dubiel has been named the Goldfins Male Swimmer of the Month for his outstanding commitment, dedication, and support within our team. Landon’s punctuality is unmatched as he consistently shows up on time to every practice, setting a reliable example for his teammates.

Landon’s exceptional effort in training is truly commendable. He pushes his limits  and showed a remarkable work ethic. He was a true team player and I wish to continue to see him being a positive role model for the Goldfins. 

Congratulations, Landon, for your well-deserved recognition as our Male Swimmer of the Month.




Sami Benning – GOLD 18 - In October the G18 group had their first meet, the Goldfins Invitational.  Sami set some season long goals at the start of the month and did an excellent job in taking her first steps towards accomplishing her goals.  Sami has been able to use her long-term goal to set short term outcomes that have kept her motivated during swim training.

At the Goldfins Invitational we had three swimmers from W3, and when I asked for volunteers to mentor the three swimmers, Sami was one of the first to volunteer.  As a mentor, Sami helped to calm nerves, help the W3 swimmers get to their races and generally navigate the meet.



