Goldfins Swimmers of the Month - April 2024

May 21, 2024


Benjamin Pratt (White 2) Benjamin Pratt is a member of the Goldfins White 2 training group and it's his first year swimming competitively. Ben always remembers to bring a positive attitude and a smile with him to practice. When activation starts, Ben is often front and center of the group. His focus and enthusiasm set a great example for his teammates and help to put new or quiet group members at ease. 

In the pool, Ben is engaged in the workouts and always moving. His persistence is paying off resulting in his increased aerobic capacity. He takes everything in stride, even when he  bumps his head on the bulkhead or accidentally gets a stray kick to the ribs. 

Ben's work ethic and positive outlook makes him a pleasure to coach and will take him far as an athlete and in life. Congratulations Ben, keep it up! 



Zahra Gokavi Bailey (Gold 14) Zahra Gokavi Bailey is a member of the Goldfins Gold 14 training group and has demonstrated remarkable commitment by participating in 94.1% of the training sessions in April 2024. Engaging actively in group activities, Zahra excels in dryland activation by combining strength, agility, and mobility exercises. She collaborates with fellow group members, offering both physical and moral support.

Throughout the month, Zahra has shown significant improvement in her Backstroke kick technique and turning mechanics. Her dedication and positive outlook have left a strong impression on the Goldfins coaching team, showcasing her drive for success and continuous development in swimming. Congratulations, Zahra!



