Goldfins Swimmer of the Month - May 2024

June 14, 2024


Sidney Goodwin - Blue 12 - Sidney's dedication to her improvement in swimming shines during the month of May. Sidney has been an outstanding example of how all the little things add up. At every practice she is always doing her best to perform drills and skill execution to the best of her ability, across all four strokes, starts, turns, and working on improving focus during swim meets. Sidney is always trying to go further and faster. Keep up the fantastic swimming Sidney!



Mateo Jarcan - Blue 12 - Mateo has had a spectacular month of May in swimming. Starting with the Michelle Moore meet in Regina, Mateo posted his first AA time. Following that, during the Lasers Invitational Mateo continued to achieve multiple AA times, including the 400 IM on his first time swimming the event! A major improvement that Mateo has made this season is focusing on the little details of his skill execution and race plans, and putting that focus into his racing. Great swimming Mateo, keep it up!



